
These may look like ordinary enchiladas, but what if I told you these are enchiladas meant to be eaten in the morning.

Swipe to see the insides of these babies! Made as you traditionally would make enchiladas but stuffed with your breakfast favs : eggs, bacon, sautéed peppers & caramelized onions.
I lightly scrambled the eggs and lightly cooked the bacon, then put a little bit in each tortilla (I used @sietefoods) with the sautéed peppers & onions. Top with enchilada sauce (I used @sietefoods) and your fav cheese (I used @violife_foods vegan cheddar).
I used organic pasture raised eggs & bacon from @belcampomeatco

Bake at 350 for 5 mins (or until your cheese is nice and melty) and serve with your fav hot sauce!

Psst code realfoodology saves you $$ on @belcampomeatco - shipping nationwide!

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