

Gluten free, grain free and low in sugar (can be sugar free if you make your own icing)

It’s not lost on me that they sorta look like breadsticks 😂

12 large egg whites
1.5 teaspoons cream of tartar
1/3 cup coconut flour
1/3 cup arrowroot
1 cup powdered monk fruit
1 Tbsp vanilla
1 tub of vanilla frosting (I used @simplemills) or make your own!

Separate the whites from your yolks and mix in an electric mixer with cream of tartar for about one minute until frothy.

Add the sugar a little bit at a time and start mixing until you get soft peaks. Takes about ten minutes. Be very careful to not let these form hard peaks. You want your peaks to stand up for a second and then fall back down.
Pour into Twinkie pan (found on amazon) and fill until almost full into each mold, they don’t rise too much. Bake at 325 for 45-50 minutes. (I recommend lining the molds with foil or parchment paper because these babies stick big time!)

Take out of pan and allow to cool for about 30 minutes!

Use a metal straw to poke holes in the base of the twinkies and on either side. Use an icing piper to put your icing in the holes. Don’t be sparing with the icing ;)


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